Out of School Experiences


Summer Engineering Camps

Summer Camps for K-12 students are offered at Purdue University along with some of their SCALE K-12 partner institutions. These programs are frequently available during June and/or July. 

K-12 students can participate in SCALE K-12 microelectronics focused summer camps at Purdue University’s West Lafayette, Indiana campus and at Crane, Indiana (limited schedule).

Topics & activities may include:

  • Exploring the world of microelectronics

  • Programing micro:bits to control hardware 

  • Learning to program microcontrollers

  • Disassembling electronics to repurpose parts

  • Exploring microelectronics and their integration with the arts

Get more information about our 2024 K-12 Summer Engineering Camps:


Engineering Experiences for High Schoolers

Purdue University along with some of their SCALE K-12 partner institutions offer intensive, short-term, summer courses for high school students that earn college credit. These programs are frequently available during May, June or July. 

These unique learning opportunities can help fill an interest area void for students or aid in core concept knowledge retention over the summer break between high school and college.  Each institution administers their own application process, credit policy, and on/off-site residency offerings.  

In summer of 2024, the first SCALE K-12 focused mini-course will be offered at Purdue University. The flyer for the course is available below:


Microelectronics Beyond the Classroom

Helping young minds explore the wide-range of topics that apply to the microelectronics industry is a first step in unlocking their potential career interests.  To do this we must first help them come to know that there exist interesting and meaningful ways to connect their natural capabilities, personal interests and local communities with this critically important industry sector.

By cultivating meaningful, long-term engagements with companies serving this sector, SCALE K-12 is paving the way to support a curious, competent, and durable workforce for the future of the microelectronics industry and the security of our national interests.

How To Share in the Momentum >

  • Experiential learning in the form of educational field trips is known to play a key role in increasing student interest, knowledge and motivation (Boeve-de Pauw, Van Hoof, & Van Petegem, 2019). The following list of firms represent established SCALE K-12 industry partners who offer limited-schedule field trips for age appropriate classrooms. Click here to request company contact information.

  • While summer and through-the-year work experience is gained through industry internships, these opportunities have been most prevalent among college age students. Current workforce data shows that less than 40% of teens age 16-19 held summer jobs in 2021, with the number of teens currently working summer jobs falling to levels not seen since 2008. Forbes magazine reports that for enduring success in the workplace of the future, students must not only gain professional skills through experiential learning opportunities, but must also develop complex technical skills, and engage actively in career self-discovery.

    The SCALE K-12 initiative in conjunction with partners from the microelectronics industry are committed to ensuring all students are prepared for opportunities related to the projected job growth in the field of microelectronics.