Vertical Alignment


What is SCALE K-12
Vertical Alignment?

Participating SCALE K-12 districts will engage in Vertical Alignment with ROI. This work will include mapping developed microelectronics (ME) units with the district’s current STEM, career awareness and employability skills initiatives. Developing an understanding of ME and the ME related careers will also be integrated throughout the process. The Vertical Alignment (VA) work will result in a plan that articulates students’ K-12 experience and exposure to microelectronics experiences and careers, one that the whole school district can support and sustain. Final VA plans will describe student learning and activities in the areas of career awareness, employability skills, and technical skills related to microelectronics progressively across K-12, linking concepts and experiences from grade to grade.

District Vertical Alignment Teams

Participating districts will establish a District Vertical Alignment (VA) team to serve as the guiding team for the vertical alignment work. The VA team should be composed of a classroom practitioner or an instructional coach from each level (elementary, middle, high school) and administrators. The VA team will function separately from the Curriculum Fellows and Coaching team. Educators who are strong in the areas of curriculum and/or technology would be a benefit to the VA team. This team will represent a balance of classroom expertise and school decision makers who, together, can create a sustainable plan for the school district.

Vertical Alignment Plan Development Process

District vertical alignment teams will engage in the following process, facilitated by ROI, throughout the school to develop their district vertical alignment plan.

VA Plan Development Timeline >

  • The vertical alignment process begins with districts developing an understanding of current and past district initiatives, implementation trends, and current district needs. This foundational work ensures that each district develops a vertical alignment plan for integrating microelectronics (ME) education that fits the context of their school community and builds upon work already done by the district. Developing an understanding of ME and the ME related careers will also be integrated throughout the process.

  • For microelectronics to be integrated across grade levels, VA teams will use what they are learning about ME and ME careers to explore and identify connections to the industry within existing STEM, career awareness, and employability skill initiatives, creating alignment among district priorities.

    The SCALE K-12 initiative in conjunction with partners from the microelectronics industry are committed to ensuring all students are prepared for opportunities related to the projected job growth in the field of microelectronics. Below are links to companies who hire high school student interns.

  • Teams will use completed alignment work to create a map of activities and experiences that ensure students develop an understanding of ME careers and opportunities by developing technical skills, career awareness, and employability skills progressively across grade levels. ME curriculum units developed by SCALE K-12 teacher Fellows will also be mapped in this phase.

  • Reflecting upon the mapped progression of skills and experiences, teams will identify gaps in alignment and consider where further exploration and integration of microelectronics is needed across K12 to ensure that concepts are linked from grade level to grade level, building students’ knowledge and awareness. Further research and collaboration with other districts may be needed to select resources that will be built into the district VA plan.

  • The work will result in a vertical alignment plan that articulates students’ K-12 experience and exposure to microelectronics experiences and careers, one that the whole school district can support and sustain. Final vertical alignment plans will include phases of implementation that describe the process for roll out.