Curriculum Development

Microelectronics Integration Curriculum Development

The development of curricular units that integrate ME  are the collaborative work product designed by SCALE K-12 teams of Teacher Fellows (practicing teachers), STEM Education faculty and staff, and graduate research assistants.  

As part of SCALE K-12 teacher outreach efforts, Teacher Fellows from each school district are selected and participate in a week-long summer curriculum development workshop.

Topics & activities have included:

  • Learning about microelectronics: hardware, applications, and careers

  • Understanding engineering and engineering design and their relevance to ME

  • Participating in classroom microelectronics materials exploration fair

  • Touring Birck Nanotechnology Center 

  • Engaging SCALE K-12 camp students via a Gallery Walk of their engineering projects

  • Developing microelectronics-related engineering design-based STEM integration curriculum

Highlights from the
Curriculum Development Workshop - June 2024