Professional Development

Immersive Exploration: Microelectronics and Integrated STEM Workshop

The summer workshop offers Teacher Fellows time to thoughtfully explore the field of microelectronics from numerous dimensions including U.S. national interests,  industry sector employers and product applications, manufacturing/supply-chain including the use of nanomaterials and processing, microelectronics for the classroom,  hands-on experimentation labs, and more.   Beyond microelectronics-related topics, Teacher Fellows explore pedagogical approaches that underpin and inform the development of successful integrated STEM curricular units, including:

Topics & activities have included:

  • Incorporating authentic/in-context scenarios

  • Embedding an engineering design process 

  • Engaging evidence-based reasoning

  • Exploring Engineering Notebooks 

  • Executing intentional assessment

  • and more!


Classroom Implementation and Continuous Improvement Cycle

Teacher Fellows involved in SCALE K-12 curriculum development workshops lead implementation and field testing of the units in their respective classrooms. Careful teacher notes, classroom artifacts and video data collection occur during the implementation phase.

Data is recorded for research purposes, as well as to serve as a “continuous improvement cycle” of the curriculum development process. Improvements, revisions, and edits occur following implementation to enhance curricular quality and encourage rapid scalable adoption beyond the authoring teaching team.