Game On!
In this unit, students learn that GEM is looking to revive interest in board games and lessen screen time in students and families. They are planning to do this through adding micro:bit technology into board games that the students create. Students will learn about informative writing, sequencing, and code writing as they plan their instructional manual and prepare an argumentative presentation to the client about their board game. Students will use the Engineering Design Process and play test other team's games, and then redesign and present their final prototypes after receiving feedback from peers and their teacher justifying their design choices. Students will use the writing process to hone their instructions for the game. Students will end the unit by presenting their game design to the client.
Core Content: English Language Arts, English Language Development
Grade Levels: 6-10
ME Connection: Package microcontroller on micro:bit is the brain processing signals from inputs and outputs.
Engineering Design Project: Develop a game using micro:bit technology & use technical writing process to develop instruction for game to share with their peers.