Water Water Everywhere but Not a Drop to Drink!

Students are asked to help REFINES (Reducing Emissions From Industrial Energy Stacks) design a carbon sink to decrease environmental impact of power plants. This is especially important because the energy production sector is responsible for approximately 25% of global carbon emissions. Along the way, students will learn about the carbon cycle, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, fossil fuels, and carbon sequestration. Students will be encouraged to use algae farms for their efficiency in reducing atmospheric carbon while adhering to the criteria and constraints.   

  • Core Content: Earth science

  • Grade Levels: Middle School

  • ME Connection: Sensors use microelectronics to detect various properties of water, data analogy systems use microelectronics to collect and analyze data.

  • Engineering Design Project: Design an efficient method of filtering water to potable quality using sensors to test for quality.


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