Past, Present & Future of Microelectronics

The unit introduces grades 7-9 students to the field of Microelectronics (ME) in an age appropriate way. Students develop a clear understanding of what ME products are, ME-related careers, the impact of ME in our daily life, and the overall importance of ME.

  • Core Content: History and Social Studies, Career Education

  • Grade Levels: 7-9

  • ME Connection: History and evolution of the microelectronics industry.  Supply Chain, mfg., policy impacts, business, career connections.

  • Engineering Design Project: Students will critically analyze and present arguments for and against microelectronics technology, considering ethical, social, economic, and environmental perspectives. They will engage in a courtroom-style debate to defend their positions as either proponents or opponents of microelectronics.


Microelectronics Integration Curriculum Development Framework


Let the Chips Fall