Safe Chips Inc.

Students are investigating the microchip shortage and doing a project to convince the U.S. government to invest more into producing microchips in the United States. 

  • Core Content: Business or Engineering Technology

  • Grade Levels: High School

  • ME Connection - Business: The global supply chain and business needs for microchips; Explore the microchip manufacturing process, looking at chip development from raw material to the packaged microchip.

  • Engineering Design Process-  Business: Examine the business side of the microchip shortage and determine how the United States can increase microchip production and remain competitive in this industry.

  • ME Connection - Engineering: Packaged microcontroller on micro:bit is the brain processing signals from inputs and outputs; sensors connected to micro:bit uses microelectronics to detect and process input and outputs signals,

  • Engineering Design Project- Engineering: Create an electronic lock to protect physical files that must remain classified


Let the Chips Fall


Make Sense Inc.